Docker Basics - 1
This article was last updated on: July 24, 2024 am
mirror image
Get the image
docker pull
View the image information
docker images
docker inspect <images id> # 获取镜像的详细信息
Seek images
docker search
Delete the image
docker rmi
When an image has multiple tags,
docker rmi
Simply deleting the label specified by the image does not affect the image file
When there is only one tag left in the image, reuse will completely delete the image
Delete all containers of the image before deleting the image
Create an image
2 methods:
- Based on an existing imagecontainercreate
- Created from a Dockerfile (recommended)
Create a container based on an existing image
docker commit
-a: Author information
-m: Submit information
-p Pauses the container on commit
-c changelist
Check out and load images
Save out:sudo docker save -o ubuntu_16.04.tar ubuntu:16.04
Onboarding:sudo docker load --input ubuntu_16.04.tar
or sudo docker load < ubuntu_16.04.tar
Import the image and its associated metadata (including tags, etc.)
Create a container
To run the container using interactive:sudo docker run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
docker run
Standard actions performed in the background:
- Check whether the specified image exists locally and download it from the public repository if it does not exist
- Take advantage of mirroringcreatecombineinitiateA container
- Allocate a file system and mount a layer outside the read-only image layerRead-write layer
- From the bridge interface configured from the host hostBridgingA virtual interface to the container.
- Configure one from the address pool IP addressGive the container
- Executes user-specifiedapplication
- After the execution is completeThe container is terminated
Guardian state operation
sudo docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
Passdocker logs
command to get the output information of the container:sudo docker -tf logs 2855b4d76ccb
-t: prints the timestamp
-f: Flushes the log to the end
2855b4d76ccb: container id
Terminate the container
sudo docker stop 2855b4d76ccb
View information for all containers:sudo docker ps -a
A container in a terminated state can pass docker start
command to restart:sudo docker start 2855b4d76ccb
Restart the container:sudo docker restart 2855b4d76ccb
Enter the container
attach instruction
sudo docker attach 2855b4d76ccb
When multiple windows are attached to the same container at the same time, all windows are displayed synchronously. When a window is blocked by a command, other windows cannot perform the operation.
exec command
sudo docker exec -ti 2855b4d76ccb /bin/bash
Delete the container
sudo docker rm 2855b4d76ccb
Force deletion of a running container
Delete the container link, but keep the container
Delete the data volume mounted by the container
Import/export containers
sudo docker export 2855b4d76ccb > test.tar
You can transfer these files to other machines, and migrate containers via import commands on other machines
cat test.tar | sudo docker import - test/ubuntu:v1.0
docker load
Import the image storage file to the local image repository
docker import
Import a containersnapshotto the local image library
Container snapshotsFiles will be discarded allHistory and metadata information(Only the snapshot state of the container at that time is saved), and metadata information such as tags can be respecified when importing.
Mirror storage filesComplete records will be kept, and the volume will also be large.
Docker Hub
docker login
docker search
docker tag
sudo docker tag ubuntu:14.04
Automatic creation
- Log in to Docker Hub and connect GitHub to Docker
- Configure auto-creation in Docker Hub:
- Pick a target Web site project (with a Dockerfile) and branch
- Specify the location of the Dockerfile and commit the creation
- You can then track the status of each creation in the Auto-Create page in Docker Hub.
Create and use private repositories
Use the registry image to create a private repository
sudo docker -d -p 5000:5000 -v /opt/docker/registry/:/tmp/registry registry
The listening port maps to 5000, in the docker container /tmp/registry
is mapped to local /opt/docker/registry/
Manage private repository images
sudo docker tag ubuntu:latest
- Use docker push upload
sudo docker push
- Use docker pull to download
sudo docker pull
Data management
Two ways:
- Data Volumes
- Data Volume Containers
Data volumes
- Can be shared and reused across containers
- Changes to the data volume take effect immediately
- Updates to data volumes do not affect containers
- The volume persists until no container is in use
Linux-like mount operation
Mount a host directory as a data volume
sudo docker run -v /src/webapp:/opt/webapp training/webapp python
Load the host’s /src/webapp directory into the container’s /opt/webapp directory.
The host directory must be an absolute path
The default permissions areRead and write(rw), which can be set toread only(ro)
Data volume container
Data volume containerIn fact, it is ordinarycontainer, specifically use it to provide data volumes for other container mounts.
Create a data volume container:
sudo docker run -it -v /dbdata --name dbdata ubuntu
Used in other containers
to mount dbdata Data volumes in containers.1
sudo docker run -it --volumes-from dbdata --name db1 ubuntu
sudo docker run -it --volumes-from dbdata --name db2 ubuntuAny of the 3 containers written to the directory, the other containers can see it.
If the container is deleted, Data volumesIt is not automatically deleted. If you want to delete a data volume, It must be explicitly used when deleting the last container that mounts itdocker rm -v
command to specify that the associated container be deleted at the same time
Migrate data with data volume containers
sudo docker run --volumes-from dbdata -v $(pwd):/backup --name worker ubuntu tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /dbdata
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Network base configuration
Port mapping enables access to containers
sudo docker run -d -p training/webapp python
-P: Maps to a random port
Review the port mapping configuration
sudo docker port loving_montalcini
Container interconnect enables communication between containers
The linking system of the container, which creates a tunnel between the source and the receiving container, and the receiving container can see the information specified by the source container.
The connection system is performed according to the name of the container.
In execution
docker run
If added--rm
tag, then the container is deleted immediately after termination.--rm
Cannot be used at the same time.
Container interconnect
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Docker exposes connection information for containers in two ways:
- environment variable
- update
use env
Command to view the environment variables of the web container:
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It can also be tested by ping:
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Use a Dockerfile to create an image
Basic structure
- Base image information
- Maintainer information
- Image operation instructions
- Execute instructions when the container starts
The first instruction must be a FROM directive
Develop maintainer information. Can be used later LABEL maintainer="CaseyCui [email protected]"
Two formats:
RUN <command>
bashFormat, the command runs in bash, which defaults to Linux/bin/sh -c
On Windows yescmd /S /C
RUN ["executable", "param1", "param2"]
(withdocker exec
Each RUN command will execute the specified command based on the current image and submit it as a new image.
Best practices:
apt-get installation:
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apt-get update && apt-get install
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends
Do not install other recommended packages,-no-install-suggests
It can also be added
ruby1.9.1 s3cmd=1.1.*
Installs the specified version of the package
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Remove package residues
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set -xe
Debug mode, return non-0 (i.e. unsuccessful) and exit
Three formats are supported:
CMD ["executable","param1","param2"]
usedocker exec
execute Recommended wayCMD ["param1","param2"]
As ENTRYPOINT The default parametersCMD command param1 param2
Specifies the command to execute when starting the container, each Dockerfile can have only one CMD command.
EXPOSE 80 8443
Exposed port number, for use by interconnected systems. Passable at startup -P
or -p
to specify the mapping
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recommendOnly in src
When using a tar file (automatically unzipped). OTHER TIMES USE COPY. The use of URLs is deprecated.
COPY <src> <dest>
When using src in this example, COPY is recommended
Two formats:
ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1", "param2"]
exec formatENTRYPOINT command param1 param2
bash format
Create a mount point that can be mounted from the local host or other containers, generally used to store the database and the data that needs to be maintained.
Specify the user name or UID when running the container, subsequently RUN
Named User is also used.
When the service does not require administrator privileges, the running user can be specified through this command.
Recommended for temporary administrator privileges gosu
, not recommendedsudo
for follow-up RUN CMD ENTRYPOINT
Directive configuration working directory.
ONBUILD [Dockerilfe的指令]
Configure the action instructions that are performed when the created image is used as the base image for other newly created images.
The mirror image of the instruction is recommended to be noted in the tag, such as ruby:1.9-onbuild
Create an image
docker build [选项] 路径
- Reads a Dockerfile under the specified path, including subdirectories
- Send everything under this path to the Docker server
- The server creates the image
It is generally recommended that the directory where the Dockerfile is placed is empty
Can pass .dockerignore file to make Docker ignore directories and files under the path.
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Examples of directives: sudo docker build -t build_repo/first_image /tmp/docker_builder/